Adventures in travel with Robert Watcher and Anne Watcher
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A Table with a View

by Anne Watcher on Saturday February 16th, 2008 at 5:14am

La Casita del Cafe, a little roadside restaurant between Atenas and Orotina, can certainly make the above claim. It is high up in the mountains and you could see the Pacific Ocean. Cattle grazed far below us and coffee plants and banana palms dotted the slopes. It certainly was a restaurant with a view like no other I've ever seen.

The food was a mix of traditional fare as well as "Canadian" fast food. Rob decided he needed a little taste of home and ordered the nachos with chicken. They were very good except he wasn't quite sure about the pinkish sauce that was on top. I tried it first and I think it was a mayo-ketchup combination. Not bad actually. Rob however skipped those nachos and went for the ones below loaded with cheese, beans, chicken and sauce.

I once again went for the casado con pescado-rice, beans and fish. The fish was not battered but grilled and was a dense, not sure what kind but very tasty. It was served with the usual but the salad was a pasta salad and the vegetables were a nice mix of green beans, cauliflower and carrots. Even the plantain is definitely growing on me. All in all when you add an Imperial with it and look over the mountains, how can it be any better!

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