Adventures in travel with Robert Watcher and Anne Watcher
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A Very Busy Bakery

by Anne Watcher on Wednesday December 19th, 2012 at 6:56pm

You have to take a number, wait your turn and make sure you pay as the security guard will get you if you don't!! Actually they make sure you pay before they give you your baking so maybe the guard is there for crowd control!!

Panaderia Munguia is one busy spot. We have gone by many times and the people are 4 deep across the counter. They have everything from basic loaves of bread to fancy "tres leche". I'm not sure how many girls are filling orders but there must be at least five. As you tell them what you want they package it for you, mark your number on the receipt and set it on the racks. The girl at the "caja" takes your number, finds the appropriate bag, takes your money and then gives you your product. In behind all this many more staff members are bringing out fresh product to refill the shelves.

The wait may be long some days but so far everything we have waited for has been certainly worth it. They have the best Cheese Bread!!!

It is located on 1ra Calle, Sur Este.

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