Airline Ticket Reservations
by Anne Watcher on Friday August 3rd, 2007 at 5:10pmPoint of interest...
...when you go to book airline tickets at a travel agency, do your research online first.
I had been watching ticket prices for awhile on various websites but mainly the airlines directly. I knew American Airlines had a $189 US return ticket but with a forced overnight in Dallas. However they also had a $219 US return flight out of Detroit through Dallas to San Jose. The return was San Jose-Miami-Detroit.
I was aware that taxes were on top and also the agency fee of $58.30 per person. When the travel agent first looked for tickets she said she could get us tickets for about $500 CAD.
Upon asking us what we found I told her the flight and airlines and she got us an even better departure time - so less wait in Dallas - all for $716.30 CAD, taxes and her fees included for the two of us. She could not believe how cheap they were as she said with a return date 60 days later she said the price is usually higher.
So if I hadn't done my research we would of taken her first offer as she thought that was good.