Adventures in travel with Robert Watcher and Anne Watcher
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Great Tasting Food in the Middle of Nowhere

Great Tasting Food in the Middle of Nowhere

by Anne Watcher on Tuesday February 12th, 2008 at 8:31pm

Casado con pescado - rice and beans with fish. This was Rob's extremely tasty lunch we had today while out touring with Keith and Ilene. Keith can pick a good restaurant when he's hungry and this meal was great. I had the same only with pollo-chicken.

It was at Rancho Huetar on the road between Muelle and Aguas Zarcas. Cost c2500-$5.00

This is your typical Costa Rican meal and it included rice, beans, vegetables, salad, fried plantain (which I'm slowly developing a taste for) and meat of your choice:



If you are ever on this road drop in for a meal. Service is great, very clean and food is wonderful.

Great Tasting Food in the Middle of Nowhere

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