Adventures in travel with Robert Watcher and Anne Watcher
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Home Again

by Anne Watcher on Thursday April 10th, 2008 at 5:20pm

Who says two months is a long time?? We felt that the time flew by and now we are back home in Ontario. Our last piece of luggage was finally delivered today (only 10 days after us so we're not sure what route it took-but it is lacking a few items!). I guess that means that the trip is officially over for this year. At least the weather wasn't as bad as we had anticipated and it is starting to look like spring once again. The daffodils are buddings and crocuses and snowdrops brighten up the landscape.

We are happy to be back home among family and friends and have had a great time catching up with everyone's news. We have three new great-neices or nephews on the way so I guess I'll have lots of quilts to make and keep busy. Summers in SWOntario are warm and sunny so therefore perfect for lots of summer activities.

Rob and I both agree that our experience of living in Costa Rica for two months was a highlight of our 32 years of marriage. We found the people to be happy and friendly, scenery gorgeous and pace and simplicity of life very appealing. We can't think of any negatives from our trip, in fact it seemed that when things didn't go as planned they turned out for the better. We also both pushed our comforts zones and did, ate and experienced things we would not normally consider. This is a big factor in our decision to return next year for three months and expand our horizons a little more.

We still have some more videos and snapshots to add so keep checking back. I'll keep on Rob's case to get them done!!

Rob and I heading home

Taking off from Juan Santamaria International Airport in Alajuela Costa Rica

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