Adventures in travel with Robert Watcher and Anne Watcher
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If You Wash It , You Must Dry It!

If You Wash It , You Must Dry It!

by Anne Watcher on Wednesday March 9th, 2011 at 2:16pm

While most people hand wash their clothing here in Nicaragua using a washing stone, their drying methods may vary. Well, where they hang the clothes is what varies, the sun and wind really do all the drying!!! I must say again, that I am constantly amazed how clean and white their clothes are here for being hand washed and drying outside with who knows what blowing through the air!

Barb wire fences or just the barb wire strung between trees is a popular method. You do have to take the extra time to remove the clothes carefully so as not to rip them, but there is no need for clothes pins! A good strong piece of cord (seen in the background) also works quite well.

There is nothing like a good old fashioned rock or a clay tile or tin roof to dry clothes. The first time I saw our clothes being dried this way I kind of freaked out, but when they came back so clean and smelling so good, I had nothing to complain about.

If You Wash It , You Must Dry It!

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