Adventures in travel with Robert Watcher and Anne Watcher
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The Beginnings - June 2007

The Beginnings - June 2007

by Anne Watcher on Wednesday June 20th, 2007 at 10:45am

We always thought that once the kids left home we would travel, I mean really travel not just across the border to the U.S. So we made a few changes but then got caught up with life and never did it.

This year we found ourselves wanting a change so decided to give up our apartment as of the end of the year and go camping for two months. Which would have still just put us in the U.S. Friends of ours suggested going to Nicaragua instead so we thought why not?

Camping in the south isn't really that exciting. My first thought was I don't know much about Nicaragua but they said that it was beautiful, relatively inexpensive and the people were friendly. Being a photographer my husband was thrilled to plan a trip to the " land of lakes and volcanoes".

So being as the title says "travel virgins", the fun has begun.

The Beginnings - June 2007

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