We are Heading Home for Vacation
by Anne Watcher on Wednesday December 18th, 2013 at 11:09amTuesday December 17'th, 2013
8:00AM (Central Standard Time Zone): We are currently in Managua Airport getting ready to board the plane for our trip back to Canada. We are looking forward to spending the next 2 weeks with our family and friends - before we head back to Leon, Nicaragua for our lengthier five month extension.

Awesome view of Momotombo and San Cristobal from airplane.

2:15PM (Eastern Standard Time Zone): Ready to depart from Atlanta in three quarters of an hour.

5:15PM (Eastern Standard Time Zone): Arrived early at Detroit Airport where our dear loyal friends Rick and Michelle, were waiting for us - winter coats in hand. Lots of snow and cold cold cold. Roads were getting pretty slick by the time we got to London Ontario to stay the night at our daughter Roslyn's house.

8:30AM (Eastern Standard Time Zone): Woke up early to the girls (our granddaughters Myla and Enza) getting ready to head off to school. This is the reality of home at this time of year. Good thing that we at least kept one winter coat and set of boots each. We didn't anticipate seeing winter again for at least the next 2 years.