Adventures in travel with Robert Watcher and Anne Watcher
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Back to School

by Anne Watcher on Wednesday March 12th, 2008 at 3:47pm

We were told by Michael, our local friendly grocer, that there would be a display of snakes from Central America and the US the next day at the local school across the street from his store. Anyone was welcome to come and see the display so he asked us to join him the next morning. He told Rob it would be a great place to take pictures. The instructor was quite informative, describing how to identify poisonous snakes (the smaller percentage of snakes), why they are valuable and basically why they should not be killed without cause.

Rob however had more fun watching and photographing the kids than the snakes. Many came up to him and told him (through Michael) that they recognized him from the bus or have seen us walking along on the sidewalks.

We learned also that this school has been around for years with many of the parents and grandparents of today's students also being educated there.

Getting basic instructions

Preschoolers came and listened-I think the little boy is wondering why he is there!

Always smiling

The star of the show

Viewing the snakes

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