Adventures in travel with Robert Watcher and Anne Watcher
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Mi Museo

by Anne Watcher on Sunday February 27th, 2011 at 4:57pm

Mi Museo is a private collection of Nicaraguan pre-Columbian ceramics that is open daily to the public and is free to everyone. It contains over 5000 pieces that date between 2000 BC to 1550 AD.

The displays themselves are in a restored historic building and the museum's objectives are to promote the collecting and preserving of artifacts and to deepen the appreciation for cultural material. The museum opened in December 2005.

It is a great place to spend a couple of hours wondering through the many rooms, reading the historical data provided or stopping to take a rest around one of the two patios. It is a very inviting atmosphere, very relaxing and informative.

Located at 205 Calle Atravesada, at the end of Calle Arsenal, it is open from 8 AM to 5 PM.

This room contained many ceramics pieces that resembled the ones from Guanacaste, Costa Rica.

All the displays are done in an interesting way, notice how all four rooms in a row look like a reflection in a mirror.

Ceramic bowl

Burial urn from the Granada area.

Details of the excavations are found on the easy to read wall displays. Some of the larger pieces found are shown here.

All three dig areas are close to Granada, the latest just being finished in 2010.

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